Users of Beech’s rights of way enjoy wonderful views, extremely diverse woodland, prolific wild plants, shrubs and flowers, together with a wide variety of wildlife. Beech has 10 footpaths and 5 bridleways. These are described and defined in the ‘The Hampshire Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way’, a publically available legal record produced by Hampshire County Council (which includes Ordnance Survey map grid references).
Maintenance of our public rights of way in general, falls under the duty and/or power of Hampshire County Council (Access Team/‘Community Engagement Rangers’), East Hants District Council and Beech Parish Council. Landowners also have some duties e.g. to ensure styles and gates are in good condition, and to clear vegetation growing from the side or above. Further information, including how to report a problem, is available from Hampshire County Council and on their web site:
Click here to download our guide to the footpaths and bridleways of Beech (PDF 4MB).
Click here (PDF 19KB) to download Information on Rights of Way in Hampshire including extracts from “The Hampshire Definitive Statement of Public Rights of Way” prepared by the County Council under section 33(1) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 and section 57(3) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.